New Masculinity
An exploration of what it means to be masculine in an increasingly genderless future.
The struggle for gender equality led by the feminist movement has begun to reach certain men who recognize their responsibility in this matter and the need to work together to change gender power relations.
Intended to encourage men to become aware and reflect on the injustices that the current patriarchal system which places women in a structural position of subordination to men generates, and about the adverse impact of these stereotypes and gender roles on which that system rests.
The lack of awareness, involvement, and sometimes the evasion and plain refusal on the part of men to consider issues of equality has come to impede both social and personal progress of women, men and society as a whole
This system is based on the rigid differentiation of roles and gender expectations
There are political, ideological and ethical reasons why society should expect, demand and encourage that many more men should foster attitudes, perceptions and practices of equality .